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Everything posted by hoosiermushrooms

  1. A pseudorhiza is similar to a root. These are all from Smith's monograph on Mycena. Mycena species with a pseudorhiza: M. bryophila M. galericulata M. kauffmanii M. lasiosperma M. maculata M. megaspora M. nodulosa M. radicatella M. wyomingensis Sometimes a short pseudorhiza: M. rugulosiceps
  2. Alphabetical Order Name L L W W alboater 7 11 3.5 5 ammiratii 8 12 3 4 amylosporus 13 18 4 7 appalachiensis 9 12.5 3 3.5 atratus 9 12.5 4 5.5 atronicotianus 7.5 10.5 4 5 badiceps 6.5 10.5 2.5 4 ballouii 5 11 3 5 chromapes 14 21 4 6 eximius 11 17 3.5 5 felleus 11 17 3 5 ferrugineus 8 13 3 5 griseocarneus 8 14 3 5 humilis 8 12 3 4 indecisus 10 15 3 5 intermedius 10 15 3 5 minor 9 15 3 5 nebulosus 11 20 5 8 plumbviolaceus 10 13 3 4 pseudoscaber 12 18 6 7.5 rhoadsiae 11 13.5 3.5 4.5 rhodoconius 8.4 13 2 3.5 rubrobrunneus 10 14 3 4.5 sordidus 10 14 4 6 tabacinus 10 17 3.5 4.5 variobrunneus 9 13 3 4.5 violatinctus 7 10 3 4 williamsii 7.5 11 3.5 4.5 By Spore Size Name L L W W ballouii 5 11 3 5 badiceps 6.5 10.5 2.5 4 alboater 7 11 3.5 5 violatinctus 7 10 3 4 atronicotianus 7.5 10.5 4 5 williamsii 7.5 11 3.5 4.5 ammiratii 8 12 3 4 ferrugineus 8 13 3 5 griseocarneus 8 14 3 5 humilis 8 12 3 4 rhodoconius 8.4 13 2 3.5 appalachiensis 9 12.5 3 3.5 atratus 9 12.5 4 5.5 minor 9 15 3 5 variobrunneus 9 13 3 4.5 indecisus 10 15 3 5 intermedius 10 15 3 5 plumbviolaceus 10 13 3 4 rubrobrunneus 10 14 3 4.5 sordidus 10 14 4 6 tabacinus 10 17 3.5 4.5 eximius 11 17 3.5 5 felleus 11 17 3 5 nebulosus 11 20 5 8 rhoadsiae 11 13.5 3.5 4.5 pseudoscaber 12 18 6 7.5 amylosporus 13 18 4 7 chromapes 14 21 4 6
  3. This is a chart of the temperature trends since 2008 for Bloomington, IN. The only real divergence from the norm was in 2012, when the temperatures ran significantly higher than normal for most of the period. This is the reason why morels appeared so early that year. The trend line in orange shows a 10 day moving average for 2013. It appears that the ultimate trend will fall very close to the norm. This chart shows the trends a little more in depth. It was above previous years most of the time, but the temperature took a big upturn in early/mid February, and didn't start to come back to the norm until the end of March. NOAA Climate Prediction Center - Temperature Forecast Find temperature data for your area: Historic Temperature Data Historic Climate Data
  4. This is morel art by Maggie Sickler. Made by melting crayons and dripping the wax onto canvas. March 2013.
  5. A Revision of the Michigan Species of Lepiota Alexander Smith 1954 While far from complete, one of the best references for our area. Smith1954.pdf
  6. This infographic was made based on an online survey of mushroom hunters from the Hoosier Mushroom Society. Respondents were asked which trees they most commonly hunt when searching for black morels - Morchella angusticeps.
  7. October 13, 2012 - Morgan-Monroe SF - Morgan County, IN Amanita bisporigera Amanita citrina Amanita ravenelii Amanita rubescens Amanita subcokeri Armillaria mellea Cantharellus lateritius Clitocybe nuda Clitocybe robusta Cortinarius sp. Entoloma strictius Ganoderma applanatum Gerronema strombodes Hygrocybe sp. Ischnoderma resinosum Laccaria laccata Lactarius mutabilis Lactarius subvellereus Laetiporus sulphereus (old) Lepiota aspera Mycena haematopus Mycena inclinata Mycena luteopallens Panellus stipticus Psathyrella delineata Rhodocollybia butyracea Russula spp. Sparassis spathulata Stereum complicatum Trametes elegans Trametes versicolor October 18, 2011 - Griffy Woods - Bloomington, IN Xerula furfuracea Pluteus cervinus Pleurotus ostreatus Trametes versicolor Stereum ostrea Stereum complicatum Polyporus badius Spongipellis pachyodon Lycagala epidendrum Panellus stipticus Armillaria rhizomorphs Trametes elegans Polyporus alveolaris Lenzites betulina Lycoperdon pyriforme Tremella mesenterica Brefeldia maxima Phlebia radiata Trichaptum biforme Hypoxylon fragiforme October 22, 2011 - Brown County State Park - Nashville, IN Discovery Trail Trametes versicolor Stereum ostrea Grifola frondosa Phyllotopsis nidulans Trichaptum birforme Lactarius sp. Ogden Lake -> Nature Preserve Galerina marginata Herecium erinaceus Trametes elegans Lycoperdon pyriforme Mycena galericulata Xylobolus frustulatus Hypoxylon fragiforme Lycagala epidendrum Tremella fuciformis Pluteus cervinus Schizophyllum commune Phlebia radiata Phlebia tremellosa Brought in (Nashville Area) Armillaria tabescens October 29, 2011 - Griffy Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Corinarius sp. Hypholoma sublateritium Irpex lactea Phellinus gilvus Daedaleopsis confragosa Laetiporus sulphereus Morganella pyriformis Panellus stipticus Lycagala epidendrum (old) Schizophyllum commune Phlebia radiata Amanita longipes Trametes versicolor Pleurotus ostreatus
  8. September Species List Locations September 30, 2012 - Leonard Springs - Bloomington, IN Amanita muscaria var. guessowii Amanita sp. Hygrocybe spp. Hygrophorus eburneus Hygrophorus occidentalis Hygrophorus russula Lactarius indigo Lactarius maculatipes Lactarius psammicola var. glaber Lactarius resimus Psathyrella hydrophila Ramaria formosa Scleroderma sp. Strobilomyces sp. 9/29/12 - Ross Hills Park - West Lafayette, IN Amanita parcivolvata Armillaria mellea Clitocybe subconnexa Clitocybe odora Clitocybe sp. Coprinopsis picacea Coprinus comatus Entoloma abortivum Entoloma sp. Ganoderma applanatum Grifola frondosa Gymnopilus sp. Helvella crispa Hygrocybe conica Hygrocybe cuspidata Hygrocybe miniata Hygrocybe sp. Hygrophorus russula Hypomyces hyalinus Ischnoderma resinosum Laccaria laccata Laccaria ochrepurpurea Lactarius camphoratus Lactarius hygrophoroides Lenzites betulina Lepiota aspera Lycoperdon pyriforme Mycena inclinata Mycena luteopallens Panaeolus sp. Polyporus badius Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Ramaria formosa Ramaria stricta Rhodotus palmatus Russula parvovirescens Russula spp. Scleroderma polyrhizum Scleroderma bovista Scleroderma areolatum Strobilomyces sp. Suillus americanus Trametes elegans Trametes hirsutum Trametes versicolor Trichaptum biforme Tricholoma leucophyllum Tricholoma subresplendens Tylopilus sp. Vascellum curtisii Xerula furfuracea September 28, 2012 - Batchelor Middle School - Bloomington, IN Lactarius chelidonium var. chelidonioides Leucoagaricus naucinus Suillus americanus Russula sp. September 27, 2012 - Griffy Woods - Bloomington, IN Amanita amerirubescens Amanita bisporigera Amanita canescens Amanita elliptosperma Amanita muscaria var. guessowii Amanita rhopalopus Amanita sect. Vaginatae Amanita sp. Calocera cornea Calvatia cyathiformis Clitocybe sp. Coprinellus micaceus Coprinopsis lagopus Coprinus sp. Lactarius mutabilis Lactarius spp. Lepitoa aspera Leucoagaricus leucothites aka L. naucinus Lycoperdon pyriformis Macrolepiota sp. Marasmius delectans Marasmius spp. Marasmius strictipes Micromphale foetidum Mycena galericulata Mycena haematopus Mycena spp. Omphalotus illudens Panellus stipticus Phlebia tremellosa Polyporus umbellatus Psathyrella delineata Rhodotus palmatus Russula compacta Russula spp. Tremella fusciformis Tremella mesenterica September 26, 2012 - Deam Wilderness - Monroe County, IN Agaricus pocillator Amanita pelioma Amanita rhopalopus Amanita sp-S04 Macrolepiota sp. Marasmius delectans Marasmius siccus Tylopilus rubrobrunneus September 24, 2012 - Paynetown SRA - Monroe County, IN Hygrocybe miniata Ischnoderma resinosum Lactarius camphoratus Laetiporus cincinnatus Lycoperdon pyriforme Phlebia incarnata Retiboletus ornatipes Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Strobilomyces sp. September 23, 2012 - Leonard Springs - Bloomington, IN Amanita muscaria var. guessowii Clitocybe subconnexa Hygrocybe sp. Hygrophorus eburneus Hygrophorus occidentalis Lacrymaria velutina Lactarius deceptivus Lactarius indigo Lactarius resimus Lycagala epidendrum Ramaria aurea Ramaria formosa Rhodocollybia butyracea Russula sp. Suillus americanus Tricholoma pessundatum September 20, 2012 - Morgan-Monroe State Forest Agaricus placomyces Amanita amerirubescens Amanita banningiana Amanita bisporigera Amanita canescens Amanita rubescens var. alba Amanita spp. Amanita subcokeri Aureoboletus auriporus Boletus pallidus Boletus campestris group Boletus roseopurpureus Boletus sp. Boletus subvelutipes group Cantharellus lateritius Clitocybe odora Cortinarius corrugatus Gyrodon meruloides Hygrocybe cuspidata Laccaria ochrepurpurea Lactarius camphoratus Lactarius mutabilis Leccinum pseudoscabrum Macrolepiota sp. Russula sp. Strobilomyces sp. Tylopilus rubrobrunneus 9/19/12 - Griffey Woods - Bloomington, IN Amanita abrupta Amanita amerirubescens Amanita banningiana Amanita bisporigera Amanita canescens Amanita flavoconia Amanita flavorubescens Amanita ravenelii Amanita sp-N47 Amanita spreta Amanita submaculata Armillaria mellea Boletus innixus Boletus subvelutipes Lactarius mutabilis Leccinum sp. Lentinellus ursinus Mycena luteopallens Russula flavissicans Strobilomyces sp. Tylopilus rubrobrunneus 9/16/12 - Leonard Springs - Bloomington, IN Amanita ameriribescens Amanita multisquamosa Amanita muscaria var. guessowii Armillaria sp. Boletus frostii Boletus roodyi Boletus rufomaculatus Boletus sp. Boletus speciosus Boletus subvelutipes Clitocybula lacerata Cortinarius spp. Cortinarius rubripes Crepidotus sp. Hygrocybe cuspidata Hygrocybe virginea Lepiota aspera Lactarius psammicola Lactarius psammicola var. glaber Lactarius deceptivus Lactarius luteolus Lactarius sp. Leccinum rugosiceps Lepiota cristata Limacella glischra Pleurotus ostreatus Polyporus alveolaris Ramaria sp. Ramaria formosa Russula sppppppp. Trametes elegans Tylopilus indecisus 9/15/12 - McCormicks Creek State Park Agaricus pocillator Amanita amerirubescens Amanita bisporigera Amanita flavorubens Amanita jacksonii Amanita sp. Armillaria tabescens Boletus illudens Boletus sensibilis Boletus subglabripes Boletus subvelutipes Cantharellus lateritius Climacodon septentrionale Coprinopsis atramentaria Coprinopsis variegata Gerronema strombodes Gyroporus castaneus Hohenbuehelia petaloides Hygrocybe cantharellus Hygrocybe conica Hygrocybe virginea Hypomyces lactifluorum Inocybe Laccaria ochropurpurea Lactarius glaucescens Lactarius hygrophoroides Lactarius quietus var. incanus Lactarius sp. Lactarius subvellereus Laetiporus sulphereus Leccinum pseudoscabrum Lentinellus ursinus Lepiota clypeolaria Lepiota cristata Lepiota eriophora Lepiota sequoiarum group Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus Limacella glischra Lycoperdon perlatum Mycena inclinata Oligoporus caesius Polyporus radicatus Polyporus squamosus Ramaria aurea Russula flavisiccans Russula fragrantissima Russula mariae Russula spp. Russula subpunctata Russula vinacea Russula xeromphalina Stropharia hardii Tylopilus rubrobrunneus 9/13/12 - Brown County State Park and Yellowood State forest Agaricus pattersonae Agaricus placomyces Agaricus pocillator Amanita bulb Armillaria mellea Armillaria tabescens Aureoboletus auriporus Boletus chrysenteron Boletus curtsii Boletus spp. Boletus subluridellus Boletus subvelutipes Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum Coprinus dissimenatus Cystolepiota sp. Fomitopsis spraguei Galiella rufa Inocybe sp. Lactarius sp. Lactarius volemus Laetiporus cincinnatus Leccinum pseudoscabrum Leucoagaricus cinerascens Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus Leucoagaricus sp. Lepiota atrodisca Lepiota clypeolaria Lepiota cristata Lepiota roseifolia Lepiota sequoiarum group Lepiota sp. Lycoperdon perlatum Omphalotus illudens Phylloporus leucomycelinus Macrolepiota sp. Marasmius sullivantii Mycena leaiana Mycena luteopallens Phellinus gilvus Pholiota sp. Psathyrella candolleana Tylopilus fellus 9/11/12 - Paynetown SRA & Deam Wilderness - Lake Monroe, IN Amanita banningiana Amanita citrina Amanita flavorubens Amanita jacksonii Amanita rhopalopus Amanita sp. Amanita spissa var alba Amanita spreta Amanita subcokeri Armillaria mellea Boletus auripes Boletus carminipes Boletus illudens Boletus pallidus Boletus russellii Gymnopilus liquiritiae Hygrocybe cuspidate Laccaria ochropurpurea Lactarius chrysorreus Lactarius psammicola Lactarius sp. Macrolepiota sp. Russula spp. Tylopilus alboater 9/10/12 - Griffey Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Amanita subcokeri Artomyces pyxidatus Boletus curtisii Gymnopus polyphyllus Hohenbuehelia petaloides Inocybe sp. Lentinellus ursinus Lepiota aspera Macrolepiota sp. Psathyrella candolleana Russula emetica group 9/8/12 - Marion, IN Agaricus campestris Chlorophyllum molybdites Coprinus sp. Coprinus dissimenatus Coprinus domesticus Crepidotus mollis Lepiota caerulescens Lepiota cristata Leucoagaricus americanus Limacella sp. Mutinus elegans Mycena luteopallens Trametes gibbosa Trametes versicolor Tubifera ferruginosa 9/4/12 - Griffey Woods - Bloomington, IN Agaricus placomyces Amanita rhopalopus Laetiporus sulphereus Marasmiellus candidus Leucoagaricus americanus 9/3/12 - Leonard Springs - Bloomington, IN Amanita muscaria var. guessowii 9/1/12 - Paynestown SRA - Bloomington, IN Amanita amerirubescens Amanita arkansana Amanita canescens Amanita citrina Amanita cokerii Amanita bisporigera Amanita sp. (Section vaginata) Amanita sp. Amanita jacksonii Amanita rhopalopus Amanita ravenelii Amanita spreta Amanita murilliana Lepiota cepistipes Lepiota sp. Macrolepiota sp. Retiboletus ornatipes Lactarius psammicola var. Lactarius subvellereus Boletus curtsii Ganoderma lucidum Agaricus campestris Tyromyces sp. Russula sp. (Green no cracked cap) Yellowood State Forest 9-17-11 Lacymaria velutina Pluerotus ostreatus Pleurotus pulmonarius Armillaria mellea Armillaria tabescens Gymnopus dryophila Mycena haematopus Macrolepiota procera Lycoperdon perlatum Lycoperdon pyriforme Oxyporus populinus Trametes versicolor Tyromyces chioneus Ganoderma applanatum Laetiporus sulphereus Stereum complicatum Stereum ostrea Brown County State Park 9-24-11 Marasmius siccus Marasmius rotula Gymnopus dryophia Gymnopus subsulphereus Rhodocollybia butyracea Psathyrella spp. Leucoagaricus (Lepiota) rubrotinctus Lepiota cristata Lepiota sp. (Similar to cristata but cap and stem bruise red with time) Crinipellis zonata Mycena haematopus Mycena adonis Lentinellus ursinus Lentinellus micheneri Hygrocybe sp. Clitocybe spp. Pluerotus ostreatus Morganella pyriformis Lycoperdon perlatum Lycogola epidentrum Mycorraptum adustum Tyromyces chioneus Trametes versicolor Polyporus alveolaris Phellinus robiniae Daedaleopsis confragosa Panellus stipticus Schizophyllum commune Ganoderma applanatum Stereum ostrea Stereum complicatum Crepidotus applanatum Trichaptum biforme Other locations: IU Campus - Agaricus campestris Griffy Woods - Agaricus silvicola Morgan Monroe State Forest - 9-27-11 Lepiota rubrotincta Clitocyby gibba Agaricus pocillator Phaeolus schweinitzii Mycena leaiana Mycena haematopus Lentinellus micheneri Morganella pyriformis Crepidotus mollis Plebia radiata Xylobolus frustulatus Brefeldia maxima - Slime Mold Paynetown SRA - 9-28-11 Lepiota rubrotinctus Lepiota sp. 1 Lepiota sp. 2 Agaricus pocillator Xerula furfuracea Macrolepiota sp. Morganella pyriformis Armillaria tabescens Armillaria sp. Gymnopus dryophila Rhodocollybia butyracea Cortinarius sp. Psathyrella spp. Crepidotus mollis Pluteus ostreatus Schizophyllum commune Lentinellus micheneri Russula emetica group Lactarius mutabilis Trametes elegans Trametes versicolor Steccherinum ochraceum Lycogala epidendrum
  9. Individual Species Lists by Location 8/31/12 - Griffey Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Amanita abrupta Amanita canescens Amanita spissa var. alba Amanita spp. Camarops petersii Laetiporus sulphereus Lentinus levis 8/30/12 - Shades State Park - Rockville, IN Artomyces pyxidatus Amanita farinosa Amanita subcokeri Amanita sp. 17 - (Section Vaginata) Amanita bisporigera Amanita banningiana Amanita brunnescens Amanita canescens Amanita flavorubens Amanita arkansana Amanita amerirubescens Amanita jacksonii Amanita multisquamosa Amanita sp. Boletus chrysenteron Boletus campestris group Boletus spp. Xanthoconium separans Calvatia gigantea Climacodon septentrionale Clavaria fragilis Clitocybula oculata Coprinellus micaceus Leptonia sp. Gymnopus sp. Gymnopus dryophila Gymnopus polyphyllus Gyroporus castaneus Gyroporus purpurinus Hygrophoropsis aurantica Inocybe sp. Laccaria ochrepurpurea Lactarius chrysorreus Lactarius hygrophoroides Lactarius psammicola var. glaber Lepiota eriophora Lepiota rubrotincta Lepiota spp. Leucoagaricus americanus Limacella glischra Limacella glioderma Lycoperdon pyriformis Marasmius sp. Marasmius sullivantii Mycena leaiana Phylloporus leucomycelinus Hapilopilus croceus Polyporus badius Polyporus radicatus Polyporus sp. Russula pulverolenta Russula pectinatoides Russula spp. Stropharia hardii Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Tylopilus fellus Hygrocybe cuspidata Hygrocybe conica Hygrocybe sp. Psathyrella echiniceps Xerula furfuracea 8/26/12 - Marion, IN Chlorophyllum molybdites 8/26/12 - Summit Lake State Park Calvatia gigantea Coprinus dissiminatus Laetiporus sulphereus Pluteus aurantiorugosus Psathyrella connisans Mycena haematopus Pleurotus ostreatus Polyporus badius Rhodotus palmatus Polyporus squamosus Megacollybia rodmanii 8/25/12 - Shades State Park - Rockville, IN Agaricus pocillator Amanita bisporigera Amanita flavorubens Amanita sp. Amanita multisquamosa Boletus spp. Boletus separans Hypomyces sp. Lepiota rubrotincta Lactarius subvellerus Pluteus melleus Mycena leaiana Polyporus arcularius Tylopilus sp. 8/25/12 - Raccoon Lake SRA - Rockville, IN Agaricus pocillator Boletus chrysenteron Boletus fraternus Calvatia gigantea Coprinus domesticus Crepidotus applanatus Lepiota cristata Lepiota aspera Lepiota spp. Leucoagaricus sp. Gymnopilus sp. Mycena leaiana Pluteus petasatus Polyporus squamosus Polyporus leptocephalus Polyporus radicatus Xerula furfuracea 8/24/12 - Griffy Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Leucoagaricus americanus Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus Lepiota cristata Lepiota cepaestipes Lepiota castanea Agaricus silvicola Agaicus placomyces Agaricus sp. Stropharia hardii Hygrophoropsis aurantica Laetiporus sulphereus Sparassis spathulata Polyporus squamosus Gyrodon meruloides Boletus pallidoroseus Boletus campestris Crepidotus applanatus Entoloma strictius Clitocybe irina Mycena leaiana Mycena sp. Xylobolus frustulatus 8/23/12 - Lieber SRA - Putnam County, IN Laetiporus sulphereus Gyrodon meruloides Ganoderma applanatum Crepidotus applanatus 8/23/12 - Martinsville, IN Chlorophyllum molybdites 8/23/12 - Cataract Falls - Putnam County, IN Boletus flavorubelleus 8/23/12 - Griffy Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Agaricus pocillator Amanita ravenelii Clitopilus prunnulus 8/22/12 - Summit Lake State Park - Henry County, IN Lepiota cristata Lepiota rubrotincta Lepiota clypteoleria Mycena galericulata Mycena luteopallens Mycena leaiana Mycena haematopus Rhodotus palmatus Cantharellus cibarius Gyrodon meruloides Gyroporus castaneus Pleurotus pulmonarius Amanita amerirubescens Pholiota granulosa Lentinellus micheneri Xerula furfuracea Lacrymaria rugocephala Panaeolina foensecii Psathyrella sp. Polyporus squamosus Polyporus radicatus Russula dissimulans (Russula nigricans) Russula pulverulenta Russula spp. (Red cap, red flush on stem, yellow spores, bitter taste; Brownish cap, red flushing on stem) Lactarius sp. Entoloma sp. Inocybe rimosa Lycoperdon perlatum Calvatia gigantea Tremella fusciformis Sarcoscypha occidentalis Cyathus sp. 8/11/12 - Yellowood State Forest - Brown County, IN Hymenopellis (Xerula) megalospora Tremella fuciformis Auricularia auricula-judae Meripilus sumstinei Phellinus gilvus Polyporus alveolaris Ganoderma applanatum Hohenbuehelia grisea Pleurotus pulmonarius Pluteus cervinus Lactarius volemus Lactarius pipperatus or glaucescens Amanita rhopalopus Hygrophoropsis aurantica Leucoagaricus americanus Galiella rufa Russula spp. Stereum ostrea Trichaptum biforme Schizophyllum commune
  10. August Species Checklist Agaricus Agaicus placomyces Agaricus pocillator Agaricus silvicola Agaricus sp. Amanita Amanita abrupta Amanita amerirubescens Amanita arkansana Amanita banningiana Amanita bisporigera Amanita brunnescens Amanita canescens Amanita farinosa Amanita flavorubens Amanita jacksonii Amanita multisquamosa Amanita ravenelii Amanita rhopalopus Amanita sp. 17 - (Section Vaginata) Amanita spissa var. alba Amanita spp. Amanita subcokeri Limacella glioderma Limacella glischra Agarics on Wood Clitocybula oculata Crepidotus applanatus Gymnopilus sp. Hygrophoropsis aurantica Hohenbuehelia grisea Megacollybia rodmanii Marasmius sp. Marasmius sullivantii Mycena galericulata Mycena haematopus Mycena leaiana Mycena luteopallens Mycena sp. Pluteus aurantiorugosus Pluteus cervinus Pluteus melleus Pluteus petasatus Pleurotus ostreatus Pleurotus pulmonarius Pholiota granulosa Lentinellus micheneri Lentinus levis Rhodotus palmatus Schizophyllum commune Boletes Boletus campestris Boletus campestris group Boletus chrysenteron Boletus flavorubelleus Boletus fraternus Boletus pallidoroseus Boletus separans Boletus spp. Gyrodon meruloides Gyrodon meruloides Gyrodon meruloides Gyroporus castaneus Gyroporus castaneus Gyroporus purpurinus Phylloporus leucomycelinus Tylopilus fellus Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Tylopilus sp. Xanthoconium separans Coprinus Coprinus domesticus Coprinellus micaceus Coprinellus dissiminatus Coprinus spp. Other Ground Agarics Cantharellus cibarius Stropharia hardii Clitocybe irina Clitopilus prunnulus Entoloma sp. Entoloma strictius Gymnopus dryophila Gymnopus polyphyllus Gymnopus sp. Hygrocybe conica Hygrocybe cuspidata Hygrocybe sp. Hymenopellis (Xerula) megalospora Hypomyces sp. Inocybe rimosa Inocybe sp. Laccaria ochrepurpurea Lacrymaria rugocephala Lactarius Lactarius chrysorreus Lactarius hygrophoroides Lactarius pipperatus or glaucescens Lactarius psammicola Lactarius psammicola var. glaber Lactarius sp. Lactarius subvellerus Lactarius volemus Lepiota Chlorophyllum molybdites Lepiota aspera Lepiota castanea Lepiota cepaestipes Lepiota clypteoleria Lepiota cristata Lepiota eriophora Lepiota spp. Leucoagaricus americanus Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus Leucoagaricus sp. Puffballs Calvatia gigantea Lycoperdon perlatum Lycoperdon pyriformis Polypores Camarops petersii Climacodon septentrionale Ganoderma applanatum Hapilopilus croceus Laetiporus sulphereus Phellinus gilvus Polyporus alveolaris Polyporus arcularius Polyporus badius Polyporus badius Polyporus leptocephalus Polyporus radicatus Polyporus sp. Polyporus squamosus Meripilus sumstinei Sparassis spathulata Psathyrella Psathyrella conissans Psathyrella echiniceps Psathyrella sp. Panaeolina foensecii Russula Russula dissimulans (Russula nigricans) Russula pectinatoides Russula pulverolenta Russula pulverulenta Russula spp. Others Artomyces pyxidatus Auricularia auricula-judae Sarcoscypha occidentalis Stereum ostrea Cyathus sp. Tremella fuciformis Trichaptum biforme Xerula furfuracea Xylobolus frustulatus Clavaria fragilis Galiella rufa
  11. 7/7/12 - Winslow Woods - Bloomington, IN Pluteus petasatus Coprinopsis variegata 7/21/12 - Griffy Lake - Bloomington, IN Pluteus petasatus Pluteus cervinus Pluteus longistriatus Retiboletus ornatipes Boletus sensibilis Boletus sp. Amanita ravenelii Amanita rhopalopus (maybe) Amanita daucipes Russula sp. Tapinella atrotomentosa Lentinus levis aka Pleurotus levis aka Panus Stirigosus Trichaptum biforme (fresh & old) Polyporus alveolaris (old) Stereum ostrea Stereum complicatum Xylobolus frustulatus 7/22/12 - Winslow Woods - Bloomington, IN Coprinposis variegata Pleurotus pulmonarius Limacella glischra Gerronema strombodes Irpex lacteus 7/XX/11 - Griffey Woods - Bloomington, IN 11 different specimens of Amanita Plus: Phylloporus spp. Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Retiboletus ornatipes Boletus spp. Strobiliomyces sp. Tapinella atrotomentosa Cantharellus lateritius Hapalopilus nidulans Pluteus cervinus Bondarzewia berkeleyi Trametes versicolor Trametes gibbosa Stereum ostrea Stereum complicatum Daldinia sp. Hypoxylon sp.
  12. Griffy Woods - Bloomington, IN - 6/15/13 Pluteus cervinus Pluteus petasatus Marasmius rotula Xeromphalina tenuipes Tapinella atrotomentosa Amanita flavorubens Cantharellus minor Hohembuehelia petaloides Russula sp. Clitocybe americana Clitocybe sp. Conocybe lactea Strobilomyces sp. Ganoderma applanatum Trametes versicolor Cerrena unicolor Trichaptum biforme Trametes elegans Oxyporus populinus Tyromyces chioneus Phellinus sp. Schizophyllum commune Galiella rufa Stereum ostrea Xylaria polymorpha Xylaria sp. Mayapple Rust Stemonitis axifera Fuligo septica Leonard Springs - Bloomington, IN - 6/14/13 Arcyria cinerea Coprinellus domesticus (ozonium) Polyporus leptocephalus Gloeoporus dichrous Entoloma sp. Stemonitis axifera Xylaria sp. Marasmius sp. Conner Prairie Bioblitz 2013 - Fishers, IN - 6/8/13 Agrocybe molesta Artomyces pyxidatus Bjerkandera adusta Boletus chrysenteron Cantharellus "cibarius" Cantharellus minor Coltricia cinnamomea Conocybe lactea Coprinopsis atramentaria Coprinopsis picacea Copinopsis variegata Crepidotus applanatus Crepidotus crocophyllus Crepidotus mollis Ductifera pululahuana Fuligo septica Ganoderma applanatum Galiella rufa Hohenbuehelia petaloides Hygrocybe irrigata Hygrocybe psittacina Hymenopellis megalospora Irpex lacteus Kretzschmaria deusta Lacrymaria rugocephala Lycogala epidendrum Marasmius rotula Megacollybia rodmanii form murina Megacollybia rodmanii form rodmanii Microstoma floccosum Mutinus elegans Mycena galericulata Mycena leaiana Panaeolus foensecii Panus rudis Phellinus gilvus Pleurotus pulmonarius Pluteus cervinus Polyporus alveolaris Polyporus arcularius Polyporus badius Polyporus leptocephalus Polyporus squamosus Psathyrella candolleana Puccinia podophylli Rhizomarasmius pyrrocephalus Ricknella fibula Russula variata Sarcocypha occidentalis Schizophyllum commune Scutellinia scutellata Stemonitis axifera Stereum complicatum Stereum ostrea Trametes elegans Trametes hirsuta Trametes versicolor Tremella mesenterica Tremellodendron pallidum Trichaptum biforme Tubifera ferruginosa Xeromphalina tenuipes Xylaria hypoxylon Xylobolus frustulatus Others: Agrocybe sp. Clitocybe sp. Coprinus sp. Cortinarius sp. Entoloma sp. Hygrophorous sp. Lactarius sp. Pholiota sp. Panaeolus sp. Pluteus sp. Russula spp. Xylaria sp
  13. 5/25/13 - Yellowwood State Forest - Brown County, IN - Pictures Russula vinacea Ganoderma applanatum Globifomes graveolens Clitocybe candicans Clitocybe americana Mycena acicula Hypholoma sp. Sarcophocypha occidentalis Microstoma floccosum Pluteus cervinus Kretzschmaria deusta Scutellinia scutellata 5/24/13 - Winslow Woods - Bloomington, IN - Pictures Stemonitis axifera Schizophyllum commune Megacollybia rodmani form murina Marasmius rotula Coprinopsis variegata Mycena leaiana Xeromphalina tenuipes Xylobolus frustulatus 5/18/13 - Griffy Woods - Bloomington, IN - Pictures Coprinopsis variegata Scutellinia scutellata Coprinopsis micaceus Sarcoscypha occidentalis Bjerkandera adusta Mycena inclinata Gymnopus subsulphereus Artomyces pyxidatus Pluteus cervinus Trametes elegans Mycena leaiana 5/2/12 - Winslow Woods - Bloomington, IN Mycena leaiana Pluteus cervinus Stemonitis sp. 5/14/12 - Griffy Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Ductifera pululahuana Psathyrella delineata Xerula megalospora Mycena leaiana Lacarria lacatta Inocybe lanuginosa 5/29/12 - Winslow Woods - Bloomington, IN Ductifera pululahuana Xerula megalospora Pluteus cervinus Coprinopsis variegata Hohenbuehelia petaloides Marasmius rotula Coprinus sp. Tyromyces chioneus 5/16/15 - Hills of Gold Bioblitz - Trafalgar, IN Armillaria tabescens - Link Crepidotus mollis Exidia recisa - Link Ganoderman applanatum - Link Gymnopus dryophilus Gymnopus subsulphereus Hymenopellis sp - Link Irpex lacteus - Link Lycogala epidendrum Kretzschmaria deusta Mycena leaiana Neofavolus alveolaris - Link Phellinus gilvus Pleurotus pulmonarius Pluteus cervinus group - Link Polyporus arcularius - Link Psathyrellaceae - Link Puccinia podophylli Rhizomarasmius pyrrocephalus Schizophyllum commune - Link Stereum complicatum Stereum ostrea - Link Trametes gibbosa Trametes hirsuta - Link Trametes pubescens - Link Trametes versicolor - Link Truncospora ohiensis - Link Xeromphalina tenuipes- Link Xylobolus frustulatus 5/30-31/15 - Morgan Monroe BackCountry Area Auricularia americana Arcyria denudata Artomyces pyxidatus Brefeldia maxima Bulgaria inquinans Cantharellus minor Clitocybe gibba group Flammulaster erinacella Galiella rufa Ganoderma applanatum Gymnopilus sp. Gymnopus dryophilus Hymenopellis sp. Hypoxylon Irpex lacteus Kretzschmaria deusta Lactarius sp. Marasmius cohaerens Marasmius rotula Mycena inclinata Mycena leaiana Mycena sp. Mycena subcaerulea Neofavolus alveolaris Pleurotus pulmonarius Pluteus cervinus group Pluteus spp. Polyporus leptocephalus Porodisculus pendulus Psathyrella delineata Puccinia podophylli Ramaria sp. Resupinatus applicatus Rhizomarasmius podophylli Russula variata Sarcoscypha occidentalis Schizophyllum commune Stereum complicatum Stereum ostrea Trametes aesculi Trametes gibbosa Trametes hirsuta Trametes pubescens Trametes versicolor Tremella fuciformis Tyromyces chioneus Xeromphalina tenuipes Xylaria sp. Xylobolus frustulatus
  14. 4/17/12 - Griffy Reservoir - Bloomington, IN Hygrocybe flavescens Psathyrella delineata Xeromphalina tenuipes Gymnopus subsulphereus Psathyrella sp. Russula sp. - Purple cap, white stem, white gills. Rhizomarasmius pyrrhocephalus 4/19/12 - Morgan Monroe SF - Monroe Co., IN Psathyrella papilonaceus Gymnopus subsulphereus Pluteus cervinus
  15. 3/30/13 - Hoosier National Forest - Lawrence County, IN - Pictures Sarcoscypha austriaca Trametes versicolor Gyromitra korfii Bjerkandera adusta Xylobolus frustulatus Irpex lacteus
  16. Hoosier Mushroom Society As per the norm, most scheduled dates should still be considered "soft" and subject to change. It is very tough to schedule mushroom events far in advance. We always have a broad array of events and locations across the state every year, throughout the year. If you would like us to have an event near your town, let us know, and we may be able to schedule one in. The only way we cancel an event is for heavy rain and/or severe weather. Events will continue in light rain. Cancellations will be posted on this page, so please check it the day of the event, to make sure the event is still on. Never been to a foray? Check out our About Mushroom Forays page for what to bring and what to expect. Events: March 19 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - Bloomington, IN - More Info - Register March 19 - Tree ID Hike/Early Morels? - Griffy Lake - Bloomington, IN - 5:30 pm (after morel course) - Signup/RSVP March 26 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - Indianapolis, IN - More Info - Register April 2 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - South Bend, IN - More Info - Register April 9 - Morel Mushroom Hunt - Location TBD April 23 - Morel Mushroom Hunt - Location - 11 am June 17 - 19 - Goose Pond Bioblitz - 8 am - 11 am - More Info June 28 - Early Summer Mushroom Hunt - Location TBD July 16 - Wild Mushroom Course - Signup July 23 - Wild Mushroom Certification - Information/Sign Up July 24 - Wild Mushroom Certification (2nd Option) - Information/Sign Up August 6 - Chicken of the Woods Hunt - Location TBD August 13 - Amanita Mushroom Hunt - Paynetown SRA - Bloomington, IN - August 27 - Amanita Mushroom Hunt - Shades State Park - More Info August 28 - Summer Mushroom Hunt - Turkey Run State Park - More Info September 24-25 - Annual Lafayette Hunters Foray/Smith Foray - Lafayette, IN Area - Information/Registration Other Events of Interest: July 28 - 31 - NEMF Samuel Ristich Foray - Fitchburg, MA - More Info August 18 - 21 - Telluride Mushroom Festival - Telluride, CO - Info August 18 - 21 - NAMA Wildacres Regional Foray - Wildacres Retreat, NC - More Info September 18 - 20 - 15th Annual Gary Lincoff Foray - North Park, PA - More Info September 22 - 25 - COMA Clark Rogerson Foray - Copake, NY - More Info September 8 - 11 - NAMA Annual Foray - Front Royal, VA - More Info Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 01:28
  17. Thursday, 27 August 2015 02:46 Hope you can make it to one of our events this weekend. We have two different walks that are planned. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. Saturday August 29th, 2015 - Shades State Park. 3 pm to 6 pm. Meet at the parking lot at Shelter B. Park Map. Sunday August 30th, 2015 - Turkey Run State Park. 11 am - 2 pm. Meet at the Nature Center. Park Map.
  18. Sunday, 14 June 2015 19:07 If you have been following us over the last year, you are already aware that a mushroom certification courses have been in the works. Residents of Indiana do not currently have a way to comply with the state law requiring all mushrooms that are sold to be "individually inspected by a mushroom identification expert." We have received many complaints from foragers who are not able to sell their wild harvest because they are not able to have them properly certified. We have been working with the Indiana State Department of Health and Purdue Extension in order to get the ability to offer certifications that will be accepted by the state. FAQ What types of courses will be held? There will be two different courses being offered - morels and wild edible mushrooms. The first course was held in the spring and included all the species of morel mushrooms, as well as a food handling component. The second course will cover additional wild mushrooms that can be certified in the state, including: Oysters – Pleurotus ostreatus & P. pulmonarius Chicken of the Woods – Laetiporus sulphureus & L. cincinnatus (with caution) Hen of the Woods – Maitake – Grifola frondosa Chanterelles – Cantharellus lateritius, C. cibarius group (No others) Lion’s Mane – Hericium erinaceus, H. coralloides, H. americanus Black Trumpets – Craterellus spp. Puffballs – Calvatia gigantea, Lycoperdon pyriforme, etc. Note, that in order to become certified for wild mushrooms, you must have taken the morel mushroom course or have a food handler certification. You can take this course without either of these qualifications, but only for educational purposes. You will not be able to receive a formal certification without the prerequisites. Where will these courses be held? There will be one Wild Mushroom Certification course held this year. It will be July 25th, at 11am at the Purdue Extension offices at the State Fairground in Indianapolis. Is registration limited? Yes, each course will be limited to 30 participants. Payment will be required at the time of registration in order to reserve your spot. We will only allow on-site registrations if there are spaces available. We will not offer refunds for this course, but we will offer the opportunity for individuals to adjust the date of the course they attend. How much will these certification courses cost? The Wild Mushroom Certification course will be $125. Why should I get certified? One of the reasons why wild mushrooms are rarely foraged and sold around the state is there is a lack of confidence in the system. Many buyers (restaurants and groceries) do not have the ability to properly assess whether the mushrooms someone is bringing them are actually the variety being offered. A certification program for Indiana will allow a trusted marketplace for mushrooms to develop in Indiana. Becoming certified will also allow you to legally sell wild mushrooms within the state of Indiana, certifying them yourself, without having to take them to another mushroom identification expert. Are there any experience requirements for attending the course? Our courses are designed to allow people from all experience levels to become certified. There are no prior experiential requirements. The course will cover all of the necessary components for any individual to become comfortable with the specific mushrooms the course is for. You must attend the morel certification course before you can become certified for any other mushrooms. The morel course includes a component on food handling that will be required before you can be certified on any of the other species. What should I expect from the course? Each course will cover all of the aspects that are necessary for proper identification for the specific mushrooms the course is about. Each participant will receive a study guide that contains all of the slides, as well as additional information on the topics being presented. There will be a test at the end of the course to test your knowledge on the topic. There will be the opportunity to retest as needed. At the end of the course you will receive a wallet card stating that you are a certified expert and what mushrooms you are certified for. Your name will optionally be put into a publicly accessible database of individuals who are certified to sell wild mushrooms in the state. Who is the certification from? The certification of this course is from the Hoosier Mushroom Society. The Indiana State Department of Health and county health departments will honor this certification as a basis for fulfilling the requirement of mushrooms needing to be certified by a "mushroom identification expert" before they can be sold. Does this course allow me to become an expert on all mushrooms? No. Indiana has probably 2000-3000 different species of mushrooms. You will not be able to take this course and be able to identify every mushroom in the woods. This course has a very specific list of species that it is focused on. These include the best edible mushrooms, with the most characters to allow for an accurate identification. These species represent the list that have been approved for sale in the State of Indiana and that the Hoosier Mushroom Society is willing to certify people for. You will only be certified for the species listed, not all wild mushrooms. How long will the certification be valid for? This certification will be good for 3 years. There will be a discounted course fee for people looking to become recertified after this time period. Are there age restrictions on the course? Yes, individuals must be 16 years or older to attend. I live outside of Indiana. Can I register for this course? Yes, this program is open to individuals from outside of the state. As we are not familiar with all regulations in surrounding states, you need to speak with your state health department to ensure they will honor certifications from outside of your home state. I am not interested in selling mushrooms. Can I attend solely for educational purposes? Yes, and it is very much encouraged. One of the reasons we put this course together is to increase the overall level of education about mushrooms in the State of Indiana. I have additional questions. Who should I contact? Please contact Steve Russell of the Hoosier Mushroom Society by email atsteve@hoosiermushrooms.org or by phone at 765-532-4227 after 5pm. Last Updated on Sunday, 14 June 2015 19:23
  19. Thursday, 28 May 2015 03:22 Greetings all. We do a number of forays each year in conjunction with organized nature surveys across the state. A couple of weeks ago we went out in Johnson County with the Indiana Academy of Science. This weekend (5/30-31/15) we are working with the Indiana Forest alliance for a very important cause. This event is part of the Indiana Forest Alliance Bioblitz. A bioblitz is a survey of all of the living organisms across an area. Very soon, important parts of the BackCountry Area at Morgan-Monroe State Forest will be logged. For the last two years, teams of experts from every field of biology has been conducting surveys of the area to see how it changes before and after logging takes place. We will be heading out at 9am on Saturday (5/30) and Sunday (5/31). We will be meeting at the BackCountry Camping Area parking lot on Low Gap Road in Morgan-Monroe State Forest. Come out at 9am each day to help with Team Fungi! Stay in the afternoon to walk with experts in other fields. Call Steve Russell at 765-532-4227 if you have any questions. There will be several more weekends this year at this same location.
  20. Friday, 15 May 2015 18:04 The Hoosier Mushroom Society is going to be attending the 2015 Hills of Gold Bioblitz being sponsored by the Central Indiana Land Trust. We will be going to orientation at 8:00 AM and then heading out for the rest of the morning. If you are interested in attending, meet us at the Maples Room in Johnson County Park at 8 am. Click this link for a download of the participant guide. Call Stephen Russell at 765-532-4227 if you have any questions. From the event organizers: Attached is the Participant’s Guide for the event. We will all assemble at the Maples Room, Johnson County Park [812-526-6809] at 8 AM on Saturday morning. Directions to the Maples Room are in the guide on page 6 and a map on page 8. At the orientation we will learn the dos and don’ts of this year event. Following the orientation, we will drive to the BioBlitz Headquarter’s parking [HQ Parking on the map on page 4 and Blitz HQ on the map on page 8]. From there we will go to work. Box lunches will be provided on Saturday during the day and a dinner and campfire at the Maples Room at Johnson County Park on Saturday from 6:30 – 8 PM. Please pass the participant guide to anyone who needs it. Last Updated on Friday, 15 May 2015 18:32
  21. Sunday, 30 November 2014 21:49 If you have been following us over the last year, you are already aware that a mushroom certification courses have been in the works. Residents of Indiana do not currently have a way to comply with the state law requiring all mushrooms that are sold to be "individually inspected by a mushroom identification expert." We have received many complaints from foragers who are not able to sell their wild harvest because they are not able to have them properly certified. We have been working with the Indiana State Department of Health and Purdue Extension in order to get the ability to offer certifications that will be accepted by the state. FAQ What types of courses will be held? There will be two different courses being offered - morels and wild edible mushrooms. The first course will cover all the species of morel mushrooms and include a food handling component. The second course will cover additional wild mushrooms that can be certified in the state, including: Oysters – Pleurotus ostreatus & P. pulmonarius Chicken of the Woods – Laetiporus sulphureus & L. cincinnatus (with caution) Hen of the Woods – Maitake – Grifola frondosa Chanterelles – Cantharellus lateritius, C. cibarius group (No others) Lion’s Mane – Hericium erinaceus, H. coralloides, H. americanus Black Trumpets – Craterellus cornucopiodes Puffballs – Calvatia gigantea, Lycoperdon pyriforme, etc. Where will these courses be held? The morel certification courses will be held in Bloomington, Indianapolis, and South Bend. If there is a significant interest, we will offer more classes in other locations around the state. If you sign up for a course at one of our initial locations and we create a new course closer to your home, you will be able to switch to the new location. The initial locations and dates will be: March 19, 2016 - near Bloomington, IN - Ellettsville Public Library March 26, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN - Purdue Extension Office April 2, 2016 - South Bend Indiana - Location released soon. Dates have not yet been scheduled for certification courses involving other wild mushrooms. They will occur in the summer and fall. Is registration limited? Yes, each course will be limited to 30 participants. Payment will be required at the time of registration in order to reserve your spot. We will only allow on-site registrations if there are spaces available. We will not offer refunds for this course, but we will offer the opportunity for individuals to adjust the date of the course they attend. How much will these certification courses cost? The Morel Mushroom Certification course will be $75. The Wild Mushroom Certification course will be $125. Why should I get certified? One of the reasons why wild mushrooms are rarely foraged and sold around the state is there is a lack of confidence in the system. Many buyers (restaurants and groceries) do not have the ability to properly assess whether the mushrooms someone is bringing them are actually the variety being offered. A certification program for Indiana will allow a trusted marketplace for mushrooms to develop in Indiana. Becoming certified will also allow you to legally sell wild mushrooms within the state of Indiana, certifying them yourself, without having to take them to another mushroom identification expert. Are there any experience requirements for attending the course? Our courses are designed to allow people from all experience levels to become certified. There are no prior experiential requirements. The course will cover all of the necessary components for any individual to become comfortable with the specific mushrooms the course is for. You must attend the morel certification course before you can become certified for any other mushrooms. The morel course includes a component on food handling that will be required before you can be certified on any of the other species. What should I expect from the course? Each course will cover all of the aspects that are necessary for proper identification for the specific mushrooms the course is about. Each participant will receive a study guide that contains all of the slides, as well as additional information on the topics being presented. There will be a test at the end of the course to test your knowledge on the topic. There will be the opportunity to retest as needed. At the end of the course you will receive a wallet card stating that you are a certified expert and what mushrooms you are certified for. Your name will optionally be put into a publicly accessible database of individuals who are certified to sell wild mushrooms in the state. Who is the certification from? The certification of this course is from the Hoosier Mushroom Society. The Indiana State Department of Health and county health departments will honor this certification as a basis for fulfilling the requirement of mushrooms needing to be certified by a "mushroom identification expert" before they can be sold. Does this course allow me to become an expert on all mushrooms? No. Indiana has probably 2000-3000 different species of mushrooms. You will not be able to take this course and be able to identify every mushroom in the woods. This course has a very specific list of species that it is focused on. These include the best edible mushrooms, with the most characters to allow for an accurate identification. These species represent the list that have been approved for sale in the State of Indiana and that the Hoosier Mushroom Society is willing to certify people for. You will only be certified for the species listed, not all wild mushrooms. How long will the certification be valid for? This certification will be good for 3 years. There will be a discounted course fee for people looking to become recertified after this time period. Are there age restrictions on the course? Yes, individuals must be 16 years or older to attend. I live outside of Indiana. Can I register for this course? Yes, this program is open to individuals from outside of the state. As we are not familiar with all regulations in surrounding states, you need to speak with your state health department to ensure they will honor certifications from outside of your home state. I am not interested in selling mushrooms. Can I attend solely for educational purposes? Yes, and it is very much encouraged. One of the reasons we put this course together is to increase the overall level of education about mushrooms in the State of Indiana. I have additional questions. Who should I contact? Please contact Steve Russell of the Hoosier Mushroom Society by email at steve@hoosiermushrooms or by phone at 765-532-4227 after 5pm. Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 04:20
  22. Friday, 21 March 2014 02:47 Scarlet Cups - Sarcoscypha austriaca Hoosier Mushroom Society As per the norm, most scheduled dates should still be considered "soft" and subject to change. It is very tough to schedule mushroom events far in advance. We always have a broad array of events and locations across the state every year, throughout the year. If you would like us to have an event near your town, let us know, and we may be able to schedule one in. The only way we cancel an event is for heavy rain and/or severe weather. Events will continue in light rain. Cancellations will be posted on this page, so please check it the day of the event, to make sure the event is still on. Never been to a foray? Check out our About Mushroom Forays page for what to bring and what to expect. Events: March 14 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - Paoli, IN - More Info - Signup March 14 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - Bloomington, IN - More Info - All Spaces Full March 21 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - Indianapolis, IN - More Info - All Spaces Full March 28 - Morel Mushroom Certification Course - South Bend, IN - More Info - All Spaces Full April 4 - Tree ID Hike/Early Morels? - Griffy Lake - Bloomington, IN - Signup April 11 - Early Season Morel Mushroom Hunt - Cancelled. Join us next week. April 18 - Morel Mushroom Hunt - Secret Location (Southern IN) - Signup April 24-26 - The Morel Festival - Brown County, IN - Info - Tickets May 16 - Hills of Gold Bioblitz - 8 am - 11 am - More Info May 29 - Morgan Monroe Walk/Bioblitz - 9 am - 12 pm - More Info May 30 - Morgan Monroe Walk/Bioblitz - 9 am - 12 pm - More Info June 28 - Early Summer Mushroom Hunt - Location TBD July 25 - Wild Mushroom Certification - Information/Sign Up July 26 - Wild Mushroom Certification (2nd Option) - Information/Sign Up August 8 - Chicken of the Woods Hunt - Location TBD August 22 - Amanita Mushroom Hunt - Paynetown SRA - Bloomington, IN - More Info August 29 - Amanita Mushroom Hunt - Shades State Park - More Info August 30 - Summer Mushroom Hunt - Turkey Run State Park - More Info September 17-20 - Annual Lafayette Hunters Foray/Smith Foray - Lafayette, IN Area -Information/Registration Other Events of Interest: July 17 - 19 - Breathe Slacklining Festival - Mushroom Cultivation Workshop & Walk - Paw Paw, IL -Info July 30 - Aug. 2 - NEMF Samuel Ristich Foray - Connecticut College, CT - More Info August 13 - 16 - Telluride Mushroom Festival - Telluride, CO - Info September 18 - 20 - 15th Annual Gary Lincoff Foray - North Park, PA - More Info September 24 - 27 - NAMA Annual Foray - Black Mountain, NC - More Info Last Updated on Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:08
  23. Sunday, 10 March 2013 11:46 This map shows the locations and times for events throughout 2013. Click on the individual markers for more information on the dates and times of the events. <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=zufb5cJcAyWM.kyLYB-0nlSjM" width="640" height="480"></iframe> Hoosier Mushroom Society Events: Some of the dates for the forays are starting to be finalized. Be sure to let us know if you have any suggestions for locations. We will try to fit them in. March 3 - Winter Tree ID Hike - Griffy Reservoir - 1pm - Info March 30 - Patoka Lake - Early Season Morel Hunt - 1pm - Info - Register April 6 -Martin State Forest - Morel Hunt - 1pm - Info - Register April 13 - Greene-Sullivan State Forest - Morel Hunt - 1pm - Info - Register April 19-21 – Simply Music, Simply Mushrooms Festival – Morgantown, IN - Info - Tickets April 27-28 – Mansfield Mushroom Festival – Mansfield, IN May 4 – Morel Sale – Brown County State Park, Nashville, IN May 25 - Yellowood State Forest - 1pm - 3pm June 8-9 - Conner Prairie Bioblitz - Fishers, IN - Info - Register June 15 - Griffy Woods - Bloomington, IN - 10am - 12pm July 20 - Morgan-Monroe State Forest - 11am - 1pm August 3 - Potato Creek State Park - South Bend, IN 3pm - 5pm - Camping August 4 - Dunes State Park - Chesterton, IN - 3pm - 5pm - Limited Number of Participants August 24 - Lieber SRA - 10am - 12pm August 24 - Shades SP - 4pm - 6pm - Camping August 25 - Turkey Run SP - 1pm - 3 pm September 7 - Clark State Forest - Henryville, IN - 1pm-3pm September 14 - Atterbury FWA - Edinburgh, IN September 19 - Mounds State Park - 10am-12pm - Collecting for HOE table September 19 - Summit Lake SP - 3pm-5pm - Collecting for HOE table September 20 - Eagle Creek - Indianapolis, IN - 10am -12pm & 2pm - 4pm - Collecting for HOE table September 21 - 22 - Hoosier Outdoor Experience - Ft. Harrison State Park September 28 - Lafayette, IN area September 29 - Dunes State Park - Chesterton, IN 3pm - 5pm - Limited Number of Participants October - Date and location TBD Other Events of Interest: August 7-10 - NEMF Foray - Rimouski, Quebec August 10-14 - Mycological Society of America – Austin, TX August 15-18 – Telluride Mushroom Festival – Telluride, CO August 30 – September 2 – COMA Foray – CT October 24-27 – NAMA Foray – Shepherd of the Ozarks, AR Other events without dates: Wildacres Foray – NC Southwest Regional Foray SOMA Camp - CA Last Updated on Sunday, 10 March 2013 12:05
  24. Tuesday, 26 February 2013 22:16 Event location changed. Formerly Greene-Sullivan. Now in Bloomington, IN. It is still very early in the season, and I do not have time to scout out locations this week before the hunt. If you are interested in coming, just sign up at the link and you will receive an email with the location at the end of the week. This will be our third morel event of the year. We will be meeting at om Bloomington, IN at 1pm. The actual location where we will be meeting will be announced the week before the event. Plan on hunting for about 2 hours. This should be the height of morel season, so we should be finding quite a bit at this location, at this time of the year. The event itself is free, but we ask those who are not members of the Society to make a donation in order to attend. You can get tickets here: http://stateforestmorels.eventbrite.com With all mushroom hunting events, make sure you dress properly. The weather can be somewhat unpredictable in the spring, but you will need steady shoes, long pants, and a jacket. You will also want to bring a knife to cut off your morels, as well as a mesh bag in order to carry your finds around the woods in. Hope to see you there! Steve Russell Interim President The Hoosier Mushroom Society steve@hoosiermushrooms.org www.hoosiermushrooms.org facebook.com/hoosiermushrooms Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 00:47
  25. Tuesday, 26 February 2013 21:59 This will be our second morel event of the year. We will be meeting at Martin State Forest Park at 1pm. The actual location where we will be meeting will be announced the week before the event. Plan on hunting for about 2 hours. We were intially thinking of holding this at Spring Mill State Park, but Martin State Forest is nearby and does not have a $5.00 admission fee. The event itself is free, but we ask those who are not members of the Society to make a donation in order to attend. With all mushroom hunting events, make sure you dress properly. The weather can be somewhat unpredictable in the spring, but you will need steady shoes, long pants, and a jacket. You will also want to bring a knife to cut off your morels, as well as a mesh bag in order to carry your finds around the woods in. Hope to see you there! Steve Russell Interim President The Hoosier Mushroom Society steve@hoosiermushrooms.org www.hoosiermushrooms.org facebook.com/hoosiermushrooms
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