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Posts posted by Timbo

  1. Hello,

    I've noticed that the last 3 topics in the Forum added in the last 2 weeks have been about members/nonmembers trying to get upcoming classes and membership information. Of these 3 topics added 126 people have viewed and the same advanced member has responded to those posts with the same answer and that is to keep checking the FB page and this Forum. My question is (rhetorical), does anyone at IHMS monitor this webpage outside of mushroom seasons and/or to occasionally posts info when they can get around to it? Not to sound harsh or abrasive - it seems in the interest of IHMS that someone would be more responsive in providing information to its members in a timely manner especially regarding membership, class scheduling and events as we all have upcoming schedules, plans, and competing priorities to keep and the more in advance we know about these events and classes the better prepared we can be. I'm only posting this complaint due to my own history with IMHS in a lack of responses over the last few years on at least 8 occasions via phone calls, emails, and FB posted questions......quite frustrating at this point as it seems to be the culture of IHMS to be slow to respond. Sorry to be the one to throw cold water on a good program......just trying to make it an even better program!   

  2. Hey there Robert - nice pic, Is that a T-11 Canopy in your profile pic?  Paratrooper? Was just on here browsing around to see if they've posted any new information. Seems like the head-shed is on vacation and all of the lights are turned off for operations at the moment. Hopefully we'll get some updates regarding classes and certifications soon. Nothing new posted on FB since mid December....I don't know about you but I get annoyed at having to check multiple sites to make sure I'm not missing anything....at one point there were 3 websites you had to check for any info. 

  3. Thank you for the response. I'll keep checking. I hesitated to post this on here but, I have contacted the HMS several times in the past for different things and never received a response at any time. I know they're extremely busy people and it doesn't help that I am not a FB user (by choice). I do occasionally get on there and peruse any info I can find. I'll just keep my eyes and ears opened. Thanks again. 

  4. Hello,

    I am just trying to find out what the requirements will be to re-certify for those of us who were in the first Morel Certification classes a few years back? Our certificates will expire in the Spring. Do we have to take the class again? If so, is it at a reduced cost and will you be offering additional classes up North to fit all of the Re-certs in? 

    Thank you for any information.

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