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2021 HMS Member
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Posts posted by MMelton

  1. Elsewhere on this site it mentions a dues paying membership. I'm trying to start learning as much as I can about mushrooms, wild and propagated, and was hoping this would be a good educational resource.

    As for the FB group, Hoosier Mushrooms seems to be the owner/admin of it. I keep trying to post there and keep getting rejected due to a new FB account I created for our farm endeavors.

  2. The most recent interesting finds on our 5 acres are discovering flammulina velutipes and galerina marginata on opposite sides of the property within a couple days of each other. I'm new at this and totally didn't think I'd see fruiting mushrooms in late December or January. I got a successful white spore print out of the flammulina v. but no spore print at all from the suspected galerina m. 





  3. Hi. New to forum but have decided to try and grow mushrooms on the 5 acre property we bought last year in Southern Indiana.

    TLDR: I believe I have logs with Ambrosia Beetles/Ambrosia Fungus present in them. Is this going to inhibit or completely prevent my Oyster's from establishing and growing in/on these logs?



    An Aspen tree fell in March of this year and I processed it into firewood and any 3-5 inch branch sections into future Mushroom logs.

    I know Aspen isn't the best for oysters but according to the chart at Field and Forest Products (where I got my spawn) it will work ok. 

    I'm late in getting these logs done due to circumstances around the property (adding chickens and geese). I got a bed of Winecaps done in May. But, I'm just now getting to the logs which have been sitting on racks. 

    When I went to start drilling I noticed what looked like little brown tubular formations over many of the logs. I believe I've correctly identified it as 'fras toothpicks' from the Ambrosia Beetle digging tunnels in the wood. So, now I'm assuming the Ambrosia Fungus is no in the logs. 


    Otherwise, I walk the property daily with our new pup and have photo documented several species of mushrooms. We have wild Oysters in several places, Deathcaps have popped up a couple times, A huge Dyers Polypore on an old stump and many others I'm not sure about the exact identification of. I may start a thread with photos of everything I've found. I've long been curious about wild mushrooms but never had the time till now to think about learning to identify correctly. 


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